Exposing the Truth

Hi friends! It’s Benson Brabson here again, reporting for duty! If you didn’t catch my last guest post, let me fill you in on who I am and why you should care. I’m an up-and-coming documentary filmmaker with a hot connection to a top-secret laboratory said to be in cahoots with the World Bureau of Investigations.


What does that mean, exactly? It means I’m on a mission to expose the extraterrestrial happenings being concealed from the public by the so-called Bureau, and set straight the lies they’ve been feeding us to cover up the truth. And, uh, what is the truth, exactly? Well, thank you for asking. I’ll let you know just as soon as I’ve exposed it.


There’s a lot to organise. From research and preliminary interviews to marketing, video production and editing, not to mention distribution and fighting off the inevitable spectre of censorship, the project sometimes feels insurmountable. I know I’m up to it, though – I’m fuelled by a fiery belief that the truth is, indeed, out there.


When I say ‘out there’, I mean at the  lab in Geneva. This is the most pressing and difficult hurdle. Getting there would be hard enough at the best of times, let alone at a time when international travel is all but out of the question. Also, the current funding for the project is essentially my  savings, which totals about $2700. That would barely buy me a ticket to Switzerland, leaving nothing for essential production costs.


What if… what if I carried out my inquiry via Whoomble? You know Whoomble, right? It’s a video conferencing app that’s become popular with criminals, because it’s so secure. Not that I’ll be doing anything illegal, obviously, but I wouldn’t want my research calls getting into the hands of the Bureau.


Unfortunately, the video quality on Whoomble is pretty atrocious. For this plan to work, I’ll need to hire a video production company in Melbourne to fill out the visuals. In all honesty, the film will probably come out looking way better for it – I mean, have you seen what your average science lab looks like?


Stay tuned for more progress.