My app explainer

I have been a technology nerd my whole life. I was that kid in school that knew how to fix every computer and was fifteen and somehow knew more coding languages than the IT technicians who worked at the school. I wasn’t the most academic student, but I absolutely loved mucking around with computer software. By the age of eighteen, I had already made my first RPG game. It may have been incredibly pixelated and was so rough that it ran as if it was a piece of stop motion, but it was still something that I was incredibly proud of. I ended up studying software development and have developed a really great app designed to help people with their spending. This app has been approved by banks and has received awards for its level of privacy and security. It is designed to help shoppers by banking their loose change into a separate savings account. This account is not touchable until you reach your goal. Of course, if times are dire you can always request the money to be transferred out but the whole point of the app is to prevent spur of the moment spending. 

My app has gained much popularity over the last few years, but I would like to find a 2D animation company that can put together an ad that explains the concept. I believe video marketing is extremely important for the promotion of this app as it will give people a rundown of how the app works and the app will stick in their minds better. Plus, a really professional video can help add trust to the brand, which is important as the app deals with people’s finances. I’m searching for the best video production company in Melbourne to help make the ad. It’ll be a worthy investment to help us grow. I have managed to get a few grants for my app as banks are eager to be working with me, so I am inclined to want to reinvest this money into marketing to create a great app explainer video.