Can’t Help Mum

Why am I always so behind on these things? I feel like I’m catching up only to fall straight behind again an hour or so later. I don’t think I’m cut out for looking after my mum anymore and I’m feeling overwhelmed with the whole situation. I love my mum more than anything, obviously, but looking after her has taken up my entire life. I’m behind at work and I don’t know if I’ll hit the deadline that I’m supposed to. In fact, I’m still working on a project and tracking it to a client that I shouldn’t be because I’m behind and I’m trying to cover it up. That’s all because of my mum. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t stressed.

As sad as it makes me to say, I think I need to consider potentially putting my elderly mother in community nursing. In the Adelaide CBD, there are plenty of really well run facilities that would do a significantly better job at looking after my mother than I am currently doing. It would mean that she could get the care that she rightfully deserves and I could actually do my job in a way that I’m supposed to. That would be really important and good for us both, especially seeing as I’m almost half an hour behind on my work now which is going to be almost impossible to catch up on.

I think I’m going to give the local disability support worker a call on my lunch break and discuss the possibilities of community nursing/care. I don’t know how much it costs or whether my mother would be eligible for care, but seeing as I’m her sole carer and I can’t look after her properly anymore, I have a feeling that I will probably be able to get her into care sometime soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later.