Buyers Advocate Timesaver

I’m a big believer in doing as little work as possible. Some people call me lazy, however I like to consider myself efficient. Why would I spend more time on a task than is absolutely necessary? This applies to all aspects of my life. I’ll do the dishes and let them dry themselves. Spending time drying them is a waste. I could be onto my next chore and then on the couch thirty minutes earlier. I’ll even call my friends during my commute, that way when I’m home I can just be alone.

If a task is too time consuming, then I’ll outsource it. There’s no way I’m spending my time on something that takes too much effort. It’s pretty well known that purchasing a house is a tiresome and long process. This is the type of project that I would absolutely never do myself. Imagine choosing to spend your downtime researching homes and placing bids? No thanks… That’s definitely not for me. I hired a buyers agent based in Melbourne to do the work for me. It’s pretty obvious that I’m all about saving time, and this is the best way I can think of to do it. 

It’s not that I don’t care about the house that I’ll move into, I care very much. That’s why I know that if I were the one to try and purchase my new home, it would not be done as efficiently as it would if I hired someone to do it for me. Life is all about understanding your strengths and weaknesses. My strength is recognising when I am not well equipped to do something. This is that time.

I’m going to be moving into whichever home I buy within the next year, and you can be sure I’ll be hiring someone to do the moving for me. I wonder if I can contract a local buyers advocate to do my furniture shopping for me – is that something they do? 

At least I know for a fact that they will nail the property market for me, that’s one job I can tick off my list.